Friday, May 30, 2008

NewPage takes imported paper campaign to Web

By Joel Dresang
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

NewPage Corp., the Ohio-based papermaker with five mills in Wisconsin, began a Web log Friday to raise awareness of concerns about imported paper products. Click this link to take a look.

The campaign aims to get paper buyers to question where and how their paper is made.

"In today's business environment, your choice of supply is a strong reflection on your company's values, whether it is intended or not. You are who you associate with," Dave Deger, vice president of marketing for NewPage, said in a statement. "If your company associates with a paper manufacturer potentially engaged in illegal logging, questionable labor practices, or unverifiable sources of fiber, it is at risk of becoming associated with those issues too, potentially damaging the company's reputation for upholding its own sustainability practices."

NewPage is North America's leading maker of coated papers used in printing magazines and catalogs. Last year, it paid $2.6 billion for the Stora Enso North America operations based in Wisconsin Rapids, which previously had been known as Consolidated Papers Inc.

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